Musket Cove arrival
Nicki here,
After saying our farewells to Rob, dealing with a number of Customs and Immigration documentation challenges, and hiring a car to provisions the boat and pick up Matthew and Laura from Nadi airport, we finally managed to leave Vuda Point Marina to head for Musket Cove on Malolo Island, where the WARC fleet are reassembling prior to the next leg to Vanuatu. After several days stuck in the heat and humidity of the 'hurricane hole' at Vuda Point marina we are very glad to finally make it here and be able to cool down properly in the sea or the resort's salt-water pool.
Musket Cove is a lovely relaxed resort and most of the WARC fleets are berthed stern-to in the marina, 'dressed overall' (i.e. with lots of flags flying) and they present a very pretty picture. We went for a walk around the island first thing in the morning and I was able to use the gift which Matthew had brought with him - a replacement camera for the one which got sea-water in it in the Lau Group. Aren't I lucky!