Of Dolphins and Tuna
Many people have wished us calm seas before we left and it looks like this crossing will be especially blessed - although that might mean less sailing and more motoring. Soon after the previous post, the wind reduced to make sailing slow and rolly - so we regretfully started the engine. The wind has barely reached walking pace since, so we are steadily chugging SW. At about 11:00pm I noticed the bow wave being illuminated by the green nav light, and wondered how the bow wave was so far back and out from the boat. Looking further, it was a dolphin stirring up phosphorescence For the next 45 minutes we were treated to an incredible display. A pod of about 9 dolphins played in the bow wave. Sometimes they darted in from about 10m to one side, the strong accelerating kicks from their tale visible as a white ball of turbulence left behind. Their shape was visible from the white light generated by the nose and fins through the water. Sometimes they would turn on their side to get a