Monday 3 June 2019

Life on the ocean wave

After so much fishing success yesterday, today we have seen Richard and
Pim very busy in the galley cooking up wahoo and sailfish delicacies.
Their strategy is to tempt the crew to eat enough fish to free up fridge
space so that the skipper permits them to put the lines out again.
Rob, who has been known to be pretty ambivalent about eating fish,
hasn't managed to resist fallng in with this plan. The lime wahoo
goujons, and teriyaki and sesame marinated sailfish fillets taste
amazingly good.

Meanwhile Nicki has been refreshing her sextant sunsight skills, which
is not an easy task when bouncing over the sea in a boat heeled at
what feels like an angle of 45 degrees. The wind has veered and we are
now almost close hauled to keep our course for Niue. But it is sunny
and the wind is a perfect 15 knots, just what Tintin likes. Wendy the
wind pilot is doing a very reliable job re-established at the

We will need to make sure we look out well tomorrow lunchtime and avoid
Aniope Reef, an isolated shallow seamount 100 nM NE of Niue over which
the sea can break. It is surrounded by depths of 4700m -incredible.