Here are some images which give a flavour of this vibrant city - the lanes of the old city are quite narrow with lots of wall murals and street performers. But to truly appreciate the atmosphere here you also have to HEAR it - horns hooting, music blaring, street vendors shouting from dawn until well into the small hours of the morning. There are also lots of dogs roaming the street (which are more practiced at crossing the roads / dodging traffic than we are!) but they are usually silent as they really can’t compete with all the other noises.
There are lots of brilliantly coloured things to buy here but it is rather too hot to consider shopping a pleasure - so far the only footwear I have purchased is a pair of not very exciting flip-flops! Fresh fruits such as papaya, passionfruit and pineapple are so far my favourite purchases.
The World ARC team have arranged various local tours, including to the place where the Liberator Simon Bolivar died and a museum of gold displaying very intricate treasures made prior to the Spanish invasion.