Monday 19 August 2019

Ilot Signal and Baie de Prony

Nicki here playing catch up from last week…. we followed some of Ian's suggestions and visited some of his favourite places including:
  •  snorkelling on the reef and paddle-boarding at Ilot Signal, (lots of turtles and octopus)
  • going for a walk to Cap N'Doua lighthouse to look for whales in the Southern Lagoon (didn't see any but did get lots of very sticky red mud on our shoes which sticks like crazy to everything it touches, although great holding for Tintin's anchor)
  • visiting the marine reserve at Ilot Cas and feeding bread to the colourful fish
  • snorkelling on magnificent coral at Anse de Pilote in Canal Woodin (although we spotted lots of 'crowns of thorns' which are very damaging to the reef)
  • and now we are in cooler temperatures and able to use the oven without overheating the boat, Jaime baked 'biscuits' (I would call them scones) for breakfast - delicious