Friday 1 April 2022

Week 1

We've been in Puerto Williams and will depart tomorrow morning for our exploration of the Beagle Channel.  This week, we've been going through a slightly amended Yachtmaster Ocean course.  I have the qualification already, but it's well worth revising as the intention is to sail from Chile to Cape Town via Tristan de Cunha without use of GPS at all. 

There has been a slight change of plan in that our tour of the Beagle Channel will not include Cape Horn; we'll do that at the start of our passage to Cape Town.

I'll introduce the crew.
Ken  - the captain.  Spaniard from Barcelona.  very experienced.  Has sailed Vinson of Antarctica for every mile of her life so far.  A many of many parts, having been a shoe designer and also written a cookbook.  Currently recovering from a bad cold (not Covid) in his cabin.
Justi - 1st Mate.  Also from Barcelona.  new to Vinson, but many years and sea miles.  Lovely.
Paddy.  2nd Mate - Yachtmaster instructor from Belfast

Paying crew like me:
Tim:  Sometime doctor and entrepreneur from Dublin.  Plenty of sailing experience
Carlos:  ITU consultant from St Marys.  A bundle of energy.  Been swimming at least once a day. Did the same 1/2 IM triathlon as Jo in 2003
Chris:  Business consultant from London
Kate:  From San Francisco - younger than the rest of us!

Also on board
Anton:  15 year old cadet - 6'3" very sharp.  From Cape Town he'll go to Spain to get more experience before return to Chile for exams
Arturio:  18 years cadet from Puerto Williams.  Has not stayed on board yet, and has come down with the cold.
Christian:  Ex-chilean navy lieutenant here at the invitation of the owner, Nicholas.  Just recovering from the cold.

Maurice, who was meant to join us but has been delayed by Covid.  Hopefully he'll be here by next weekend, when we set sail 'properly'.

Most of the crew in front of the sailing schoo; loking towards Micalvi
L to R:  Christian, Late, Ken, Carlos, Me, Chris, Tim, Anton

Beagle Channel looking north to Argentina

After we leave tomorrow, ability to send pictures will be poor or none - will send some on my return to Puerto Williams