Monday 4 April 2022

Hi from the Beagle Channel

We left Puerto Williams on Sat am for quite a long motor west along the Beagle Channel. VoA doesn´t go to windward well - so they don´t try. Both engines on at 2000rpm and bash on! Copious wildlife - a few penguins & dolphins, but best of all several pairs of whales. One pair surfaced in front of us and we needed to slow down not to hit them. They were identified as humpback whales. We anchored in Calleta Yengedera, where a big glacial river joins the sound. 3 of us walked up the valley, past a disused estancia. An old path led up the valley. Skip (Novak) described it as an easy walk - but that was before the beavers arrived. They have built several REALLY large dams - 100+ m long 1-2m high, which - because they leak - led to a combination of lakes and bogs! They put our Mill Bay efforts to shame by orders of magnitude!

We motored up to Caleta Olla last night - the most popular anchorage in Patagonia, apparently. There were 5 boats already as we attempted to anchor med-style, with 2 lines back to the shore. It started snowing with gusty winds and everybody but me grabbled with anchors and long lines. I was designated cook (for supper and lunch) so was in my shirt sleeves down below. I git in verybody´s good books by presenting them with hot soup as soon as they had finished! Roast veggies / lentils & tahini sauce. Roast Veggies for 12 is a ridiculous amount!

Overnight, the wind touched 55 knots, apparently. But I'm not skipper so I slept soundly! This morning - horizontal snow and amazing glaciers, but I was down below doing lunch, so could keep warm. Lunch now done, I´ll put all my kit on and get on deck (or at least in the doghouse)