74 miles to Suwarrow

Last night was quiet with little wind, lightening busy in the distance
but nowhere near us, and no need to keep changing sails. So we all got
some decent sleep and today we have been treated to a bright blue sky
with dotted white cumulus clouds for the first time in this passage. It
is a welcome sight, for although we don't have much wind we don't have
any squalls either. The engine is doing its thing and we aim to be at
Suwarrow by tomorrow morning, when there will be good light for us to
navigate the pass and the coral reefs to enter the atoll and anchor

We stopped Tintin just now for a swim. There is a bit of swell making
the boat rock but it was easy enough for us to use the stern ladder to
get back on board. A rope with a fender attached trailed from the stern
for us to grab hold of if needed, and we always had one person on board.
The water was 3,800m deep and so blue, lit up by the suns rays it
looked like a kaleidoscope. It was exhilarating! No giant squid or
sharks came to eat us up.

This morning the water is unruffled enough for us to notice a shoal of 8
tuna swimming alongside for the last mile. They hardly seem to move a
muscle while keeping pace with us. I'm happy to say that these beautiful
fish are all too canny to be foiled by Richard's glittery lure!

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