A cheery "hello!" from the pontoon announced a visit from Ruth and Brian Magowan. For those readers who recall the Able Waister aka Stephen Gordon, Ruth is his sister. She's here to support husband Brian and 2 sons Ben and Johnny, as they prepare for their crossing on board Truenorth. It was great to see them all and catch up as we joined the ARC opening ceremony this morning.
The ceremony involves a parade of all the sailors, grouped by country, carrying flags (think Olympics). 34 countries are represented here. Local Canarian brass and drumming bands led the procession around the dock. There's also a wonderful group of very warm, smiley St Lucians here at the invitation of the World Cruising Association, generally greeting the crews, wishing us well and telling us about St Lucia. For the ceremony today they were resplendent in traditional dress.
James and Bea did great work this afternoon, cataloging the dry stores we have on board, before we draft the provisions shopping list.
We're expecting Bridget and Sophia to turn up soon this evening after their flight from home. Then we will be 6, the full crew.